Orior Menu AG, Le Patron, CH-Böckten
Le Patron is a leading Swiss manufacturer of pâtés, terrines, fresh pasta and convenience food products. It currently employs a workforce of 250 and supplies customers in Switzerland with over 500 culinary delicacies each day.

The go-ahead for the new project “Food 02” was given in autumn 2000. The Management of Le Patron took the decision to combine a number of production facilities in one location, gaining production and logistics synergies in the process. In addition, space constraints in the packaging, labeling, preparation and dispatch departments meant that a reorientation was necessary.
Logistics solution
An optimum solution was worked out between Le Patron, the planner and Gilgen Logistics, enabling the various objectives to be realized. The key element of the new production centre was the complete separation of the production and dispatch area.
The high bay storage system can store up to 10’000 trays (600 x 400 mm) of fresh delicacies. The storage area is chilled to temperatures between 0° and 4°C. The Gilgen Logistics supplied all the required products and services from one source, from the mechanics, control systems and warehouse management system to the assembly and servicing.