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A Hearty Thank-you for Your Cooperation

This year confronted us all with entirely new challenges. We would like to thank you very sincerely for your trustful cooperation. We wish you a peaceful end of the year, wonderful holidays with your loved ones and a good start into 2021.

Stay healthy.

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Migros Aare, CH-Schönbühl

News logistic platform with automated conveying systems for trays and pallets

Migros Aare, the largest of the ten Migros cooperatives, is expanding its logistics platform. Gilgen Logistics was commissioned to realize the new plant with automated tray and pallet conveyor systems, including management, material flow computer and visualization.

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Special exhibition - Logistics in the Swiss Museum of Transport

The Swiss Museum of Transport and the Logistics Foundation present the special exhibition "Logistics, goods traffic and supply chain". Gilgen Logistics AG is sponsor of this unique project in favor of the logistics scene and its young talents and is participating in the "interactive media wall" to represent the logistics supply chain.

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Situation COVID-19 pandemic - We are there for you!

The situation with the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic is actually very serious that some suppliers had to shut down their factories. The closure of these plants has a significant impact on our deliverability. We assure you that we will do everything to maintain our service.

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