A Hearty Thank-you for Your Cooperation

This year confronted us all with entirely new challenges. We would like to thank you very sincerely for your trustful cooperation. We wish you a peaceful end of the year, wonderful holidays with your loved ones and a good start into 2021.

Stay healthy.

This year confronted us all with entirely new challenges. We would like to thank you very sincerely for your trustful cooperation. It was thanks to your loyalty and trust in us as well as our employees’ flexible commitment and dedication that we were able to succeed in dealing with this year of special circumstances. We are grateful for that.


In these special times, the logistics sector was required to prove its system-relevant role in supplying goods, and that it did. We are proud to be a part of this. By using the most advanced technology, such as augmented reality, we were able to react quickly to challenges. The leaps and bounds in automation and digitalization will continue. We are staying on it and will keep investing in digital technology in 2021, so that we will be able to support and surprise you in these matters.

The outlook and expansion of know-how

It is not only in digitalization that we intend to keep up with the enormous pace of development. We are enlarging our existing team for the important product group of stacker cranes and will be pushing forward with this equipment at a new Development Center. We put special focus on our customer service and service offerings, so that we can provide you with even more comprehensive and flexible support after your orders have been completed. We have big plans!

With these prospects for the future, we wish you a peaceful end of the year, wonderful holidays with your loved ones and a good start into 2021. Stay healthy.

We look forward to continuing our cooperation with you.

Wishing you the best this Holiday season,
Gilgen Logistics AG